Alamire Foundation

The Alamire Foundation was founded in 1991 as a joint venture between KU Leuven (Musicology Research Group) and Musica Impulse Centre. As an international study centre, the Alamire Foundation has set itself the goal of stimulating, coordinating and conducting academic and practical research. In doing so, it concentrates specifically on the music and music scene of the Low Countries, from the Middle Ages until 1800.

The Alamire Foundation’s name comes from Petrus Alamire (Nuremberg, c. 1470- Mechelen,  1536). Born into the Imhoff merchant family from Southern German, he worked mainly in the Low Countries, where he became famous for his role in the production of music manuscripts. He chose a pseudonym that refers to the pitch A and its solmization syllables la-mi-re, reflecting his work as a music copyist and calligrapher. 

Since 2017, the Alamire Foundation has been under the high patronage of Her Majesty Queen Mathilde, following in the footsteps of Her Majesty Queen Fabiola, who opened the House of Polyphony in 2011.


The mission and vision of the Alamire Foundation presuppose a dialogue between musicologists and musicians. Only by means of a joint venture between the university and the world of performance can the scientifically supported conversion of the music, as it is notated in the source, lead to performances of the compositions. The engine that drives this process is the practice-oriented research that connects the academic and artistic levels with each other. It pays special attention to identifying unknown or unexploited material and making it available.


With the use of state-of-the-art methods, including those in the fields of digitization and exhaustive auralization technology, this musical heritage is preserved, studied, and valorized. The music, whether in manuscript or printed form, is made accessible by means of traditional publications such as inventories, facsimiles, and critical text editions, as well as through innovative digital databases. The scientific discussions and conclusions find their way into monographs and academic journals, including the Foundation’s own Journal of the Alamire Foundation (Open Access) and the series Leuven Library of Music in Facsimile. Partnerships and contacts with the worlds of academia and the performing arts, heritage institutions, and the cultural sector result in international conferences and practice-oriented laboratories, festivals and concerts, exhibitions, and multimedia applications.


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